Category: Music

Nostalgic Song of The Day : I Want it That Way by Brittany Howard & Jim James

A resurrection of the good old I Want it That Way by Back Street Boys, not as original as the original of course but does this bring sweet nostalgic moments to anyone? There video is nice too! I Want It That Way I Want It That Way, an album by...

Spotify Daily Mix

Spotify Song of The Day : Geeks by Hailey Knox

Another fresh find from Spotify’s Discover Weekly Playlist, it says something about geeks inherting the earth… thanks Spotify! Please note that you need to have the Spotify app installed to listen to the full track, you can download it for free from Spotify.

Spotify Daily Mix

Spotify Song of the day : Animal by Jim Eno

A fresh find from the Spotify “Discover Weekly” playlist, i love Spotify! You may need to download the Spotify app for free to be able to listen to full track.