Why Cats Meow? Cats Uncovered by BBC

Why do cats meow? Apparently, cats meow for communication between each other but it seems more likely that they meow to communicate with humans… In this video from BBC, they put a camera on “Tigger”, a city cat (A polite name for a street cat) and it was observed that it rarely happens that cats meow when they around each other, instead they make strange sounds like “chirping”.

Dr. John Bradshaw from university of Bristol outlines that cats start meowing when they are kittens to communicate with their mother but as they grow up, they rarely meow when they are around each other.

What’s exciting is that it also seems like cats meow to “talk back” to humans with a huge range of different meows, your cat is more likely to meow back at you when you talk to it, even sometimes it seems like cats are trying to mimic humans’ voices, just watch the video 🙂

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